Date | |
| Jan 10
| Course Overview and Food Names - Anderson, E. N. 2005. Everybody Eats. New York University Press. pages 113-122 from Chapter 7, Food Classification and Communication
- French fries and freedom fries,
- Jurafsky, Dan. 2011. Macarons, Macaroons, Macaroni. Slate, November 16, 2011.
- Frank Bruni. 2007. Tonight, Patronizing Language. Enjoy. New York Times, November 7, 2007.
| Jan 12
| HW 1 | The Language of Menus
- Singer-Vine, Jeremey. 2011. Strawberries With Sambuca Baba and Acid Honey:The El Bulli dish-name generator. Slate, July 25, 2011.
- Dickerman, Sara. 2003. Eat Your Words: A Guide to Menu English. Slate. April 29, 2003
- Zwicky, Ann, and Arnold Zwicky. 1980. America's National Dish: The Style of Restaurant Menus. American Speech 55: 83,87-92. (Non-Stanford readers: JSTOR library PDF here)
Extra (advanced papers if you're thinking about a final project in this area): |
| Jan 17
| HW 2 | The Language of Recipes
- Fisher, M. F. K., 1983. The Anatomy of a Recipe. In With Bold Knife and Fork, p 13-24. Paragon.
- Waxman, Nach. 2004. Recipes. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food And Drink in America, pages 247-250. Oxford University Press.
Extra (advanced papers if you're thinking about a final project in this area):- Cotter, Colleen. 1997. Claiming a Piece of the Pie: How the Language of Recipes Defines Community. In Recipes for Reading: Community Cookbooks, Stories, Histories, ed. by Anne L. Bower. University of Massachusetts Press. p 51-72. Google Books version
- Culy, Christopher. 1996. 'Null objects in English recipes' Language Variation and Change 8.1, 91-124.
- Lakoff, Robin. 2006. Identity a la Carte; or, You Are What You Eat.In Discourse and identity (Studies in interactional sociolinguistics)edited by Anna De Fina, Deborah Schiffrin, Michael Bamberg. pp 147-165. Cambridge University Press.
| Jan 19
| Background On Semantics: What is the difference between a Cup and a Mug?
- Shaul, David L. and Louanna Furbee. 1998. Language and Culture. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. p 67-73: Semantics
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1945. Philosophical Investigations. Paragraphs #66 and 67
| Jan 24
| HW 3 | Food and Semantics: The Meaning of Cooking Words (or, What's the difference between roasting and baking?)
- Lehrer, Adrienne. 1972. Cooking Vocabularies and the Culinary Triangle of Levi-Strauss. Anthropological Linguistics. 14:155-171
Extra (advanced papers if you're thinking about a final project in this area):- Levi-Strauss, Claude. 1965/1966. The Culinary Triangle (translation by Peter Brooks of Le Triangle culinaire),Partisan Review 33, no. 4 (Fall 1966) 586-595. This copy from Food and Culture: A Reader, 2nd edition, ed. by Carole Counihan and Penny Van Esterik. Routledge, 2008pp 36-43.Online copy on Google Books.
Food Language, Psycholinguistics, and Cognitive Science |
| Jan 26
| Perception and Language: Describing Wine
- Hyman, Erin. 2011. What Wine-Speak Says About Us. SFMOMA Open Space Blog, March 24, 2011.
- Lehrer, Adrienne. 2008 manuscript. Wine and Conversation: A New Look.
- Ann Noble's Aroma Wheel (this will be handed out, it's not a reading)
- Extra (advanced papers if you're thinking about a final project in this area):
- Lehrer, Adrienne. 1983.Wine and Conversation, pp 3-53. Indiana University Press.
| Jan 31
| HW 4 | Does language influence perception of smell/taste/color? |
| Feb 2
| Sound Symbolism and Food Names
- Yorkston, Eric and Geeta Menon. 2004. A Sound Idea: Phonetic Effects of Brand Names on Consumer Judgements. Journal of Consumer Research, 31:43-51.
- Jurafsky, Dan. Ice Cream.Read the last half (after 'As for the names of the flavors').
Extra (advanced papers if you're thinking about a final project in this area):- Jamie Ward and Julia Simner. 2003.Lexical-gustatory synaesthesia: linguistic and conceptual factorsCognition 89, 237-261. Youtube video
| Feb 7
| Food and Metaphor: (or, Why does your mom call you 'honey'?)
- Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. 1980. Metaphors We Live By. University of Chicago, pages 3-60.
- Caitlin Hines. 1999. Rebaking the Pie: The WOMAN AS DESSERT Metaphor.In Reinventing Identities: The Gendered Self in Discourse,Edited by Bucholtz, M. and Liang, AC and Sutton, L.A.Oxford University Press. online copy at Google Books
- Extra (advanced papers if you're thinking about a final project in this area):
- Zhou, Minglang. 2000. Metalinguistic awareness in linguistic relativity: Cultural and subcultural practicesacross Chinese dialect communities. In Explorations in Linguistic Relativity,Pütz, Martin and Marjolijn H. Verspoor (eds.), pp 345-363. Online copy on Google books
- Werning, M., Fleischhauer, J. and Beseoglu, H.. 2006.The Cognitive Accessibility of Synaesthetic Metaphors. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.2365--2370.
| Feb 9
| Food Language, Cultural Capital, and Socio-Economic Class
- Joshua Freedman and Dan Jurafsky. 2011. Authenticity in America: Class Distinctions in Potato Chip Advertising. Gastronomica 11, 4: 46-54.
- Gimpert, Ben. 2011. What is There to Eat Around Here? Or, Why Clams are Bourgeois
| Feb 14
| HW 5 | Food Language, Cultural Capital, and Socio-Economic Class
- Johnston and Baumann. 2007. Democracy versus Distinction: A study of omnivorousness in gourmet food writing. American Journal of Sociology 113:165-204.
- Krumme, Coco. 2009. Velvety Chocolate With a Silky Ruby Finish. Pair With Shellfish:Ridiculous wine descriptors may reveal more about a bottle's price than its flavor.Slate, Feb. 23, 2011.
| Feb 16
| Dialect, Variation, and Food Vocabulary
- Labov, William. 1972. The Social Stratification of (r) in New York City Department Stores.In Labov, W. 1972. Sociolinguistic Patterns (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press) pp 43-54.(Also in Coupland and Jaworski 1997). online copy at Google books
- Pop versus Soda:http://popvssoda.com:2998/countystats/total-county.html
- Page from The Atlas of North American English on Carbonated beverage isoglosses.
Food and Historical Linguistics |
| Feb 21
| Project Idea | Food Words, Etymology, and History - Xavier Perrier, Edmond De Langhe, Mark Donohue, Carol Lentfer, Luc Vrydaghs, Frédéric Bakry, Françoise Carreel, Isabelle Hippolyte, Jean-Pierre Horry, Christophe Jenny, Vincent Lebot, Ange-Marie Risterucci, Kodjo Tomekpe, Hugues Doutrelepont, Terry Ball, Jason Manwaring, Pierre de Maret, and Tim Denham. 2011.Multidisciplinary perspectives on banana (Musa spp.) domesticationPNAS 2011.
- Jurafsky, Dan. 2009. Ketchup. The Language of Food.
- Jurafsky, Dan. 2009. Ceviche, Escabeche, Fish and Chips. The Language of Food.
| Feb 23
| Writing Day
| Feb 28
| The Grammar of Cuisine - Y. Ahn and S. E. Ahnert and J. P. Bagrow and A. Barabasi. 2011.Flavor network and the principles of food pairing. Scientific Reports 1, 196, 1-6.
- Claude Levi-Strauss. 1963. Structural Anthropology. page 86-87online copy at Google Books
- Rozin, Elisabeth and Paul Rozin. 2005. Culinary Themes and Variations. p 34-41.originally in Natural History, Feb 1981, p 6-14. Taken from The Taste Culture Reader, edited by Carolyn Korsmeyer. Oxford: Berg.
- Jurafsky, Dan. 2009. Dessert. The Language of Food.
- Extra (advanced papers if you're thinking about a final project in this area):
- Rozin, Elisabeth 2005. Flavor Principes: Some Applications p 42-48. The Taste Culture Reader, edited by Carolyn Korsmeyer. Oxford: Berg.
- Roland Barthes. 1961. Toward a Psychosociology of Contemporary Food Consumption. Originallypublished as 'Vers une psycho-sociologie de l'alimentation moderne' inAnnales: Economies, Societes, Civilisations 5 September-October, pp. 977-986.This copy from Food and Culture: A Reader, 2nd edition, ed. by Carole Counihan and Penny Van Esterik. Routledge, 2008, pp 28-35.
- Douglas, Mary, and Michael Nicod. 1974. Taking the Biscuit: the structure of British meals. New Society 30:744-747.
Food and Phonetics |
| Mar 1
| Project Outline | Drunken Speech, the Exxon Valdez case, and Phonetics
- Hollien, H., DeJong, G., Martin, C. A., Schwartz, R. and Liljegren, K. Effects of ethanol intoxication on speech suprasegmentals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110, 3198 - 3206.Brief note in Nature here:http://www.nature.com/news/2001/011220/full/news011220-10.html
Extra (advanced papers if you're thinking about a final project in this area):- Johnson, K., Pisoni, D. and Bernacki, R. 1990. Do voice recordings reveal whether a person is intoxicated?: A case study. Phonetica. 47: 215-237.
| Mar 6
| Class-Chosen Topic
| Mar 8
| Class-Chosen Topic 2
| Mar 13
| Dennis Katelyn Alison Jenna Mónica Sarah E |
| Mar 15
| Julia Catherine Sarah C Asia Linda and Debra Clara |
| Mar 19
| Monday: Final paper due at 12 noon