Icab 5 9 2 – Alternative Web Browser

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If you've ever customized your app icons or played around with Shortcuts (previously called Workflow), you probably know how important URL scheme names are. Nearly all iOS apps assign themselves one of these names, and you need to know them if you want to add custom icons to your home screen or create a Shortcuts workflow that opens an app on your iPhone up. ICab 5.9.2 is an alternative Web browser. It supports HTML4, image filtering, cookie filtering, bookmarks, java and javascript support, search modes, importing of Web archives from Explorer, download manager, and numerous useful features not found in other browsers.

  1. Icab Browser For Windows

MySQL for Windows Editor's Review

MySQL is a top piece of kit for anyone working in the world of databases, whether in a personal or a commercial capacity. It's reasonably easy to download and install and it's available across most of the major platforms, ranging from Mac OS and Windows, through to HPUS and AIX.

  • A five-star browser may not be perfect, but it represents one of the most privacy-oriented browsers out there with great user features. We have also listed the browsers from worst to best. However, we are not implying that number one is the single best privacy browser. The best browser for you will depend on your needs.
  • ICab is an alternative web browser for the Apple Mac with numerous useful features not found in other browsers. ICab is shareware and costs $10 / 10 EUR, but it can be also used for free with a small limitation.

It has fairly impeccable credentials as it's used by many of the massive, web-based databases supporting multiple user access. However, the fact that it's used by the likes of You Tube, Google and Facebook may appear to be living proof of its scalability, but there have been some well documented issues because of the sheer volume of transactions.
If you're a large business, or someone expecting massive volumes of traffic, then you don't necessarily need to dismiss MySQL in favour of a more expensive version. But you might want to invest some time in looking at a feature by feature comparison of MySQL against the likes of Oracle or SQL Server.
On the other hand, if you're a home enthusiast or a small to medium business considering using MySQL to power your databases, you should be fine. Unless you're expecting mammoth traffic, you're likely to find that this piece of freeware has everything you need.
Pro's: It's free, it's pretty fast and it's immensely scalable.
Con's: You won't get all the bells and whistles that you get with some of MySQL's pricier competitors.
Conclusion: MySQL isn't quite as feature rich as some of its commercial counterparts. But the fact that it's used by many of the web-based big boys should give you plenty of confidence that this is a really powerful database tool.

Mac Musings

Daniel Knight - 2001.11.14

It's been a source of debate since Internet Explorer first cameto the Mac: What's the best browser for a Mac user? Well, there'sno single answer, but here's my take on the issue.

Netscape 4.7.x

I cut my Internet teeth on Netscape and used it almostexclusively until the day we had a really bad Internet connectionat work. As I was printing out some pages to share, I foundNetscape's behavior to be very odd - it was taking as long togenerate the page as it had taken to download the page in the firstplace.

That's when a little research discovered that Netscape didn'tknow how to print the currently displayed page without reloadingthe whole thing from the Internet a second time. How preposterous!Internet Explorer 4.5 didn't have that problem, so I began using itas my second choice to Netscape.

One thing that bothered me then (and still bothers me today) isthat each browser displays the same HTML code differently. Mediahuman youtube downloader 3 9 9 30 (2512) download free. Pagesdesigned for Netscape might look bad under Internet Explorer - andvice versa. This lead to discovering what worked in both browsersand avoiding the rest.

I didn't use IE 4.5 heavily, but knowing about the printing flawin Netscape made me less likely to use it. Further, I've never beena fan of Netscape's email client.

Internet Explorer 5

I didn't make the switch to IE as my default browser until IE 5.Microsoft really improved Internet Explorer over 4.5, especiallywith things like Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) support. IE 5 renderedpages well, supported a multitude of plug ins, let me change fontsize on the fly (Netscape crashed when I changed the default fontsize unless I immediately quit the program after making theswitch), and let me choose my own email client as an alternative toOutlook Express.

Nice as it is, IE 5 is probably the buggiest piece of softwareon my Mac. I'm using a lot of programs from the System 7.x era, butalmost every time OS 9.2.1 crashes it's because of IE 5. So I'vebeen looking at alternatives.


I won't even mention a version number, because iCab keepsimproving. I've seen it grow from a browser that could just barelysupport HTML to one that's almost ready to take on the big boys. Ilike the way iCab works. I like the way it displays. I like theoptions it provides. And I love its speed.

Unfortunately, iCab isn't quite ready for prime time. When Iaccess secure pages, iCab switches me to Internet Explorer. That'sa nice touch, since it means I don't have to launch IE, but itwould be nice to have iCab do it all.

Icab 5 9 2 – alternative web browser to maxthon web browser

Like Internet Explorer, iCab lets me use my favorite emailclient.

This is the program I hope will get finished someday so I canmake it my standard Web browser.

Netscape 6.2

I have played with Netscape 6.2 and find it an enjoyable browserwith some quirks. I still hate Netscape's email client, butNetscape still doesn't want to let me choose my own email software.That's one of my big complaints.

The other is that when I follow a link in email or in my URLmanager (a great little shareware program from Jeremy Kezer calledWebChecker),Netscape insists on opening a new browser window. That gets oldreally fast.

Finally, Netscape 6.2 is bloated. It wants about 30 MB on myTiBook running Mac OS 9.2.1. Okay, IE 5 isn't much better at about25 MB. OTOH, iCab only uses 8.5 MB. (For the record, I have 512 MBRAM, 140 MB set aside for a RAM disk, and run with virtual memoryoff for best speed. Turning VM on would reduce the memory footprintof these programs at the price of speed.)

If Netscape let me link to Claris Emailer instead of using itsown mail client and didn't open so many new windows, I mightconsider it instead of IE 5.


Icab browser for windows

Like Internet Explorer, iCab lets me use my favorite emailclient.

This is the program I hope will get finished someday so I canmake it my standard Web browser.

Netscape 6.2

I have played with Netscape 6.2 and find it an enjoyable browserwith some quirks. I still hate Netscape's email client, butNetscape still doesn't want to let me choose my own email software.That's one of my big complaints.

The other is that when I follow a link in email or in my URLmanager (a great little shareware program from Jeremy Kezer calledWebChecker),Netscape insists on opening a new browser window. That gets oldreally fast.

Finally, Netscape 6.2 is bloated. It wants about 30 MB on myTiBook running Mac OS 9.2.1. Okay, IE 5 isn't much better at about25 MB. OTOH, iCab only uses 8.5 MB. (For the record, I have 512 MBRAM, 140 MB set aside for a RAM disk, and run with virtual memoryoff for best speed. Turning VM on would reduce the memory footprintof these programs at the price of speed.)

If Netscape let me link to Claris Emailer instead of using itsown mail client and didn't open so many new windows, I mightconsider it instead of IE 5.


I've played with Opera just a bit - the darned beta keepsexpiring on me! It's a nice browser and seems faster than Netscapeand IE 5. I'd guess iCab and Opera are about on a par in terms ofspeed.


Looking at browsers for the classic Mac OS reminds me of theobservation that democracy is the worst possible system ofgovernment - except for all the other ones. That's how I look atthe current situation. Internet Explorer is the worst browser,except in comparison to the other ones.

I'm not a huge Microsoft fan. I don't like the company's way ofdoing business. On the other hand, I am a fan of good softwareregardless of the source, not that I consider IE particularly goodsoftware (after all, it's the application most likely to crash myTiBook). But from my perspective as someone who both publishes onthe Web and does a lot of research on the Web, Internet Explorerstrikes me as the best of a bad lot.

Icab Browser For Windows

Yes, that's damning with faint praise. I really hope Netscape6.3, Opera, or a future version of iCab will let me work the way Iwant to. (Among other things, IE lets me tab between fields; iCabdoesn't.) Until then, IE 5 remains my browser of choice.

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